CIA: Czech News Digest - ECONOMY

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According to the chairman of the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions, Milan Stech, an 8% salary increase is the minimum for next year and the increase should be higher. Company representatives disagree, pointing to Europels recession. (MfD B1, 2)

Almost 7.6 mln tons of grain were harvested from 98.99% of fields this year; this represents a y/y increase of roughly 1.2 mln tons. The average yield per hectare increased by roughly 17% to 5.31 tons. (Pravo 15)

The boom in the installation of photovoltaic power plants continued into July, with 81 new plants with an installed output of 850 kW built in the Czech Republic. As of 1 August, there were 574 photovoltaic plants with an output of 10.54 MW operating in the Czech Republic; 336 of these sources with an installed output of 7.14 MW started operating this year. Six biogas stations with a total power output of 3.8 MW were added in July, along with two sources combusting waste gas with an output of 305 kW, and one source for combusting biomass with an output of 100 kW. (CIA)

According to the study drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, almost 6.2 mln tons of biomass were used to produce electricity and heat in the Czech Republic. A total of 665, 000 tons were used to produce power, 1.92 mln tons to produce heat, and 3.6 mln tons to heat households. A total of 592, 000 tons of biomass were exported abroad for energy purposes. The volume of electricity produced from biomass increased by 32% y/y to 968 mln kWh. (CIA)

According to a study drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, heat pump suppliers launched the operation of 3, 015 such devices with a heat output of 40.7 MWt last year. New customers included 2, 643 households, 184 companies, 103 state and public authorities and institutions, and 85 other customers. At the end of last year, heat pumps were used by 11, 257 households and 834 companies. This data is based on information provided by power distributors; the ministry considers it an underestimate.

02.09.2008, 3859 просмотров.

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