The First International Congress «Biogas-2008» was held on November 26-27, 2008 at the International Trade Center, Moscow, Russia. The main topics of the Congress highlighted current state and prospects of biogas production and use. The event was hosted by the Russian National Biofuels Accosiation and by Russian Biotechnology Society named after Yu.A. Ovchynnikov.
In 2010 Russian biogas industry will meet at the Second International Congress "EurasiaBIO-2010". which will be held on April 12-15, 2010 in Moscow World Trade Center. Call for speakers is now open.
Web-site of the Second International Congress "EurasiaBIO-2010 here
19.02.2010 10:19:53
21.09.2008 21:23:46
The city executive Vadim Bulavin and the general director of company Vodokanal have signed an agreement on intentions with RWE Power AG (Essen) on a project of methane and carbonic oxide utilization at Nizhniy Novgorod aeration plant. The agreement will have effect within the limits of Kyoto Protocol for the purpose of reduction of greenhouse gases emission to the atmosphere.
03.09.2008 10:14:14
02.09.2008 10:16:00
26.08.2008 10:19:00
07.08.2008 23:40:07